Low Back Pain
Low back pain is one of the most common complaints that individuals experience today. If you have ever experienced low back pain you will know that it can be debilitating. You may not even notice it immediately after an injury because the body is great at compensating and accommodating strains. However, if the disruption to spinal mechanics is too much and the body is unable to continue to adapt, then symptoms will arise.
Low back pain episodes can be triggered by numerous activities:
Accumulation of stresses in the body
Emotional stress
Pregnancy and child birth
Physical over exertion
bending incorrectly
lifting, carrying, pushing or pulling incorrectly
slouching and bad posture
extended periods of standing or bending down
overuse of the muscles, usually due to sport or repetitive movements (repetitive strain injury)
physical workers whose occupation involves excessive bending, twisting and hard physical labour
prolonged periods of sitting, such as drivers or office-based workers
driving in a hunched position
driving for long periods without taking a break