Are Your Joints Popping, Grinding or Clicking?
You know how there’s always a scene in horror movies where a creaking floorboard gives them away? For a lot of people, the floorboard is probably unnecessary. The weird noises coming from their knees, necks, shoulders, and fingers would do the job. But what are these noises? Why do joints make grinding, clicking and popping sounds? And, the most important question our patients ask us at Grassroots Healthcare: Are they something to worry about? Our answer assumes you’re not aiming for a stealthy getaway. (We’re osteopaths, not escape artists, after all.) Let’s first try to understand what’s happening in your body.
What is Causing the Noises Anyway?
A few different things could be happening.
· A tendon or ligament might be snapping over a bony bump.
· A ligament might tighten with movement causing a bit of a click or creak.
· Air bubbles inside the joint can pop. (The famous noise of cracking your fingers.)
· Muscle tightness (particularly around the neck) might cause it to grind with movement.
· Cartilage may have worn away, meaning the bones can no longer glide against each other smoothly.
When should I be concerned?